steam down?

stuff like this is why I have never been a big steam fan

Their server goes poop and we canny play stuff we have paid for

and before someone says try running it in offline mode , I need to play arma3 online and you cannto do that if steam is not working even if I direct connect to it via IP
I seem to have a minor issue on the friends list in that people I know havent been online for a few days are now showing as having been online 2 hours ago. I guess the downtime had some wider issues.
I seem to have a minor issue on the friends list in that people I know havent been online for a few days are now showing as having been online 2 hours ago. I guess the downtime had some wider issues.

This seems to happen from time to time...

The time your friends list have been online for will be the time that you came online - I think anyway.

Rather odd.
I have a friend who left steam a couple of years ago and yesterday it was definitely showing 2 years. Never really trusted it anyway, better to catch them on TS :D
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