Steam Link/Steam Machine Questions

18 Jan 2012
Hi A friend of mine is currently looking into these options for gaming
She currently uses a mac laptop for her gaming ( unsure which one )
and is wondering which she should go for, she doesn't have a lot of space
for a normal gaming pc and aesthetically likes the alienware steam machine

what's the best option/best value for her ?
build your own PC or small form factor PC.

Alienware stuff is always overpriced! lol

get a budget and what is required and I am sure someone can do a parts list for your budget :)
Hi A friend of mine is currently looking into these options for gaming
She currently uses a mac laptop for her gaming ( unsure which one )
and is wondering which she should go for, she doesn't have a lot of space
for a normal gaming pc and aesthetically likes the alienware steam machine

what's the best option/best value for her ?

Is she hot? Pics? :rolleyes::D

Steam machines are dreadfully poor value for money IMO. As above, Small Form Factor.
Build a nice small form factor, so many nice options, as she has a mac, she is clearly not low on money, so get her budget and let us know!
Is the Alienware Alpha really that bad of a price, given that it has a Windows license, support and you don't have to build it yourself?
The entry level, with a ram upgrade would do nicely for a lot of games.

Saying that, I would like to build something using the Silverstone RVZ01, if I was looking for small gaming machine!
I agree with building her a pc although she may take some convincing.

What about the steam link? will it be fine with her mac laptop till i can convince her of the switch to Proper PC gaming?
The Steam link is just a streamer, so if her Mac runs games to a decent standard then the link will simply stream it at that standard. My only worry about a Steam Link is the potential lag.

Anyone on here have any knowledge around that??

I'm planning to get one for my room for lazy Sunday gaming :)
I'm currently playing around with using my RPi2 to stream steam games and others through the network to my lounge, I've had no real issues with latency (except when trying to stream 1080p @ 60fps). It has worked like a dream so I expect the steam link to work even better as its dedicated hardware.

The software I've been using on my rpi incase you're interested is moonlight streaming (using the nvidia gamestream APIs).
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