Steam link

21 Jan 2012
After selling the xbox one and wii u I'm coming back to PC gaming.

I've looked at these steam links and I'm wondering if they're any good? I'm planning on using a 980ti at 1080p but will it show as ultra on my TV?
^^ I have mine wired and it works flawlessly, as above it just displays whats on your PC so if running a game at 1080p, it will be 1080p on your TV and so on etc (it displays on both screens)
I did have a phenom II with hd6850 gfxsystem and it could NOT handle rocket league. Had to put the gfx quality right down to low other wise the lag was ~ 1s+. GRID autosport was fine. Middle-earth: shadow of mordor had some funny audio pops every few seconds, but gfx levels were fine, no lag.

I've upgraded my system to an i5 with same gfx car in the meanwhile, but I havent tried RL since. Full disclosure, my PC is connected by powerline adapter, but it still gets 30mbps connection minimum.
My Steam Link has ended it's life as a kodi box with a master system and megadrive emulator now. :(
I remember latency being a killer for me.

thanks for your help guys. Hoping to find one cheaP. STeam want £50 lol

They were something silly like £10 including postage in a sale recently!

A 980ti will be absolutely fine, I have one and actually set most games to 1440p, even though the link can only output 1080p the picture is still better (similar to using DSR I guess)
Jeez I have a steam link and never even thought to do that... genius. :D

I found my mileage would vary here. Certain games seemed to not pick up the controller properly even though they full support it.

Origin games seemed to map the mouse to the controller rather than it working as it should. Hard to explain!
I want one and found that game were recently selling them for £4!

If they hadn't been so low in price I would have stumped up the cash but I guess I'll wait.
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