Steam on Mac

28 Oct 2002
Cornwall, UK
How do people cope with Steam on a mac? I had a bootcamp XP partition but got fedup with it! Crossfire hates my mouse and looks a little rough around the edges.

Anyone have any better solutions? I saw the steam app running in someones doc but google turns 0 up on it :(.


Not a fan of using bootcamp, I found it annoying having to boot into the different partion and am wondering about Native solutions really.

I hope Open CL forces Valve to pull their fingers out and update everything / bring out a steam client for mac! There must be a large number of users they are missing out on??
Yeah VMing is not an option, I have vmware (for work and giggles) and it's crap. Crossfire was ok but nothing compared to bootcamp.

Windows 7 on bootcamp isn't a bad idea, may go with that as I have the RC release. It boots soo much faster than XP and would therefored be less of a faff for when I wanted to game. Also has a smaller install footprint as I don't want to loose too much space on my MBP.

Come on Apple, apply some pressure damn it!
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