Steam prices staying high?

30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
I've noticed something for a while now. The prices of games on steam seem to be staying at release price or close to it for a crazy amount of time. Example: Cyberpunk. This has been out for a long time now, and it's still full price. There are many other examples. Sniper Elite 4 released in 2017... full price.

I can only assume this is to make it look like games are way cheaper on 'sale' times, but really, it is just pushing me to buy the same game at half price, on another platform, like EPIC. Which I really don't want to, but money talks.

Definitely. I haven't bought a game direct from Steam in absolutely ages. I have over 1000 games on Steam of which I'd guess less than 10 have been bought in the past 3 years.
I've got £30 of Steam vouchers I got for Xmas unused (plus a some loose change from selling trading cards).

Cyberpunk 2077 is a good example, it doesn't seem to drop below about £13 anywhere, I was hoping Steam would put it on sale for £15 and I'd use voucher for it but doesn't seem to happen.
The only time I buy a game on Steam is during a sale, otherwise they are way over priced.

Mostly I use cdkeys, but I will buy from Steam if the sale price is there or there abouts what it is on cdkeys.

What I am noticing though is cdkeys don't seem to have keys for as many games as they used to, I've gobe to look for several in the past few months and been out of stock.
couldn't tell you the last time i bought a game off of steam. have over 45 quid in my steam wallet from selling the crap i used to get playing csgo, has to be there at least 4 years, untouched. steam just isn't competitive on prices and hasn't been in quite a while (generally speaking), even with their sales.
People still buy games directly from steam?? Been using key websites for years
Sometimes you have no choice. Certain games don't release keys and only way to buy is direct from Steam. For those I wait for a sale. But I agree, on the whole 99% of games I buy these days are keys from CDKeys and sites like that.
Steam has always been expensive but their Winter and Summer sales were great years ago. Now their sales are not that great which is a shame. CD keys always seem to be the best for prices.
remember when they claimed cutting out the middle men would reduce prices and not create monopolies lol.... no need to print cds/manuals no more couriers, we can pass on the savings to the customer
they forgot to mention no more discounts, no more sales and no more second hand games
What would the repercussions be if Steam started charging developers for product keys? Would there be a mass exodus? Would the prices rise even higher?

It just bugs me that all these key sites can even exist because Steam let developers have keys for nothing. Someone has to then pay for all the Steam resources - bandwidth, servers, etc. Or is it just worth it because of all the traffic Steam gets and people may then spend money on other things like trading cards.
What would the repercussions be if Steam started charging developers for product keys? Would there be a mass exodus? Would the prices rise even higher?

It just bugs me that all these key sites can even exist because Steam let developers have keys for nothing. Someone has to then pay for all the Steam resources - bandwidth, servers, etc. Or is it just worth it because of all the traffic Steam gets and people may then spend money on other things like trading cards.
That's why monopolies are ALWAYS terrible and extremely risky for the consumer. Buy what you can from other stores including EGS.
Is a reliable place to buy steam games from? Found a few cheaper than cd keys.

Depends really, I'm sure most people will tell you its fine but its not hard to find people who've had a bad experience. Its a marketplace so its going to depend on the individual seller, you can add protection to your purchase for a little extra, but surely the very fact that such a thing exists isn't a good sign. Plus without wanting to be all moral, you have no idea where the keys were sourced (or stolen from). I like a bargain as much as the next person, but I'd rather pay a little extra from a legit seller.
I don't really have an issue with Steam prices as we can simply purchase the keys elsewhere, sure it would be a bit easier to just buy through Steam but I don't see it matters. I wonder if that's one of the reasons their prices are remaining high, they can't really compete with the key sellers (or have any desire to) so why bother trying.
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