Steam - Quick Response Needed please...

18 Oct 2002
Steam is starting to annoy me - i paid money for a game that refuses to work when im offline. Want to play a LAN game (but cant have inet and LAN working at same time), i have updated CS:S to 100% but it wont load. Also when there is no connection when steam starts - it wont load in offline mode, i thought yuou only needed steam to activate account :mad:
bledd. said:
why can't you have LAN and internet at the same time?

not enough cables, and remember once trying my router at same time i was on uni network and the net wouldnt work.

DaveyD said:
What is it you're doing and what is it Steam is telling you?

Basically, if i log on with no net - steam wont load - could not connect to steam network. Also to get into CS:S i have to be connected to net/uni network - open CS:S and then take out RJ45 out of socket and plug into router. Its just annoying i have to be connected to the net as its quite common for me to run out of my 500Mb daily limit and therefore have to unplugg my LAN cable.
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