Steam Streaming with qjoypad

20 Apr 2011
Hey all

Now that we can play pretty much all our games on linux via steam steaming I have come across a few I would like to use a pad with that do not support a pad. Does anyone know if there is a website with any qjoypad profiles already to download? I would have thought some would be available now we can use steam streaming. Is qjoypad the best software to use that is close to xpadder? I find it a little hard to get used to tbh.

I would like to try and setup a profile for Dragon Age 1 and 2, I know they were designed for mouse but xpadder does have profiles for these games so a good setup must be possible.

If anyone is having issues with the 360 pad flashing all the time just enable the steam repo and it will update with new files so the pad stops flashing.

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