Steam version of GTA San Andreas Updated



9 Nov 2004
I haven't seen any threads on this topic, GTA San Andreas has been updated on Steam, it looks like they have just replaced it with the new XBOX 360 version of the game and got rid of 17 music tracks from the sound track.

They have also got rid of the 1920x1080 resolution according to a lot of forums around the internet, since the update I haven't really been able to play it because it just keeps crashing. Also the current saved game files will not load with the new version, a lot of people have complained about the same thing.

So they have essentially deleted a perfect good working version of the game and replaced it with a broken version with less features.

The reason they did this has something to do with the licenses for the music expiring. It doesn't affect me too much because luckily I still have my boxed copy of the game.

How do you guys feel about a version of your game that you paid for being deleted from your hard drives and replaced with a cut down version. I think it is time for some regulation and clarity about what online services such as Steam can get away with.
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Quite angered really and uninstalled it asap. I still have my boxed copy like you luckily.
The update came out of no where and surprised a lot of fans on Steam. The savegame thing is a real deal breaker.

If content that you paid for can be removed from your game without notice, what does that hold for future titles I wonder?

Totally agree, there has always been criticism of Steam , Origin and Uplay, but I have never really joined in with any criticism of those services.

I understand that the music licenses has run out and they can no longer distribute the games as they were, but that has nothing to do with what is already on my hard drive. I just think that this is a step too far.
The way I read it, they haven't even updated it with the Xbox 360 graphics improvements.

More like the added Xinput to an older build of the PC game, and took out 17 music tracks at the same time?! Hence Version 1.0 with no 1080p support.

Yes, looking it to it further, this is exactly what they have done
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