Steam & VPNs?

29 Feb 2004
So I know technically they are against the terms, but is that just there to cover them, like a lot of things or do they actually swing the ban hammer?

With the snoopers charter becoming law, if you still want any shred of privacy, you're going to have to use one.

So with that said, what's the deal with steam?

Over in the other thread, neil said steam is fine unless you are bypassing restrictions or trading, but then the topic moved on from it.

So presumably, activating/buying region locked games (russia etc) or gifting them.

So should be fine just to be behind a EU one when playing and back to my home connection when I want to use the store (UK) or should I just stay on a uk node whenever steam is signed in . I know from posts a siginificant number of people seem to use vpns with steam with no issues.

I could just drop the vpn when I want to play, but I tend to leave steam signed in to chat even when not playing. Or would it better to just make a second account, re-add friends, have that for chat and come off the vpn and to main account when playing.

I've been using steam and a VPN for a year or so now. Always turn off to buy and play games and I've had no issues. I still use it for chatting.

Do you log out before killing the vpn? Or just stop it & let steam reconnect by itself on the home connection and it's fine?

I use my VPN most of the time, including with Steam. Never had an issue. I don't, nor would I recommend bypassing region stuff for purchasing at a different price, though I do use both UK and international nodes.

I'm a big believer in privacy, it's my right and long ago I knew that something like the snoopers charter would come into effect, I still believe this is the thin end of the wedge and in the coming years our privacy will continue to be eroded. I also firmly believe that VPNs will eventually be banned or otherwise inhibited.

Tangent aside, yeah I use it with steam all the time. Including purchases and playing.

as long as its not involving money you are generally fine unless its to unlock a new release which will be down to maker of the game.most are fine if you do that anyway.

snooper chart surely wont see your steam porn collection ? or is that why you worried.:D

It really depends on the server you're using, and just how "bad" its reputation is. I've found that on more established servers, that people have presumably been using for naughty things over time, logging in whilst connected forces me to go through the Steam Guard procedure to log in. On a newer server that's just been added to my VPN company's list, that doesn't happen (as presumably it's not on any blacklists yet). Same goes for Origin, which makes me reconfirm my login details on a "bad" server.

Valve only care if you buy direct from Steam via VPN, which will get you banned very quickly. I've activated tons of region-locked keys bought elsewhere over the years via VPN and have never had any issues though.

Ok thanks.

So basically, it should be fine, just make sure to jump off the vpn and go onto my home connection when doing any transactions that involve money (so store or marketplace).
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