Steam Weekend Deal:FEAR.2 and new DLC 50% discount

20 Aug 2004


FEAR2 £12.49

DLC £2.99

Do you work for Steam?

Oops...yes, Valve.

I just wondered as I can't think why else someone would go to the trouble of constructing this advertisment. ;)

Yes and they are posted constantly...not usually with such a lovingly constructed advertisement though. That's why I was curious as to whether the OP has links to the company.

Yes I do work for Valve. Recently, there has been internal discussion of a new promotion where if we hit a certain target in sales that week then we would be given a number of gift passes. These passes would be for free copies of the deal in question to hand out to selected users of the discussion forums we were promoting in.

When it comes to selecting users, Valve have imposed a reasonable number of rules so that we don't just go handing them out to any random user. One of the rules is that any user that questions the deal thread automatically becomes ineligible for that gift pass and all future gift passes.

Unfortunately for you Briton, that means I have to add your username to the list of those that can no longer be considered for a gift pass.

It's one screencap, two text links and few words and that's how it's always been. It doesn't take more than a minute to do. It actually took me longer to make up the above story than it did to make the opening deal post :)
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