Steel Series Artic Pro/GG software not remembering settings?

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend

Younger brother is having a bit of a nightmare with his Steel Series Artic Pro headset with the Gamedac.
This is on a windows 10 system (I4770k, 1070, 32gb ram) with all the updates.

Basically it appears that it is randomly changing the settings/not remembering them, and sometimes if the Windows sound panel is to be believed not loading the right "virtual" soundcard for what it's doing.

For example he sets it up for a game and loads the game, and it works and Windows registers the "driver" has changed as it seems it should, then he'll quit the game and upon loading it up again the software is not then remembering the correct settings and windows isn't showing the "driver" for game settings as being an option.

I'll try and update with more information, but from what I can see/understand it seems the "app detection" on the gamedac isn't registering game starting up and changing mode, or it's not remembering that it's been instructed to do so (it feels a bit like the software on my logitech mouse when it doesn't understand it's meant to change the way the mouse buttons work depending on game).
i'm going to give this a bump as he's just moved to a new windows 11 build (z780, 14700k) and the the gamedac seems to be getting stuck in a random crash/reboot of the dac at times now.

He's really annoyed with the gamedac as he's now spent nearly 6 months with the old problem intermittently popping up and it's now playing up even worse under windows 11, and from what he's said the only things he can find about it are a load of similar comments basically saying "yeah it does this" and no sign of steel series having any intention of dealing with it.

He's not happy that apparently this is something SS have known about for years, and no fixes, especially as he really likes the actual headset for comfort (once he bought some aftermarket pads) and sound, but his opinion of the gamedac is pretty much unpublishable and he's swearing he's not going to touch anything of theirs again.
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