Steelseries Engine Woes.

12 Feb 2009
So after some advice on these forums i changed my mouse to a Steelseries Sensei Raw which im more than happy with. Problem is the software it comes with for some reason wont work.

Either at the end of installing it crashes my PC and then when I start back up if i try to open steelseries engine to edit the mouse settings it just gives a "Steelseries engine has stopped responding." and this also means i cannot uninstall it either so im forced to delete all files and search registry to get rid of it.

Or after getting it to install properly once the software would not pick up that any steelseries products are connected so wouldnt go past 1st screen.

Ive tried many different sockets and reinstalled drivers and updated firmware on mouse.

It seems a pretty common problem but cannot find a fix.

Full system spec:

2500k @ 4.4Ghz
Asrock Z77E-ITX
Adata 120GB SSD
Dell U2410
Win7 ultimate 64 Fully up to date.
Logitech K750i Keyboard
Steelseries Sensei Raw
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Had exactly the same thing with a Sensei Pro and a Kana. They would work fine when first installing, SS Engine would see the mouse and I was able to tweak profiles. Then as soon as I rebooted SSE would stop seeing the mouse attached (although I could still switch profiles using the mouse button). Reinstalling the firmware would sometime fix it, other times that would just hang and the mouse LEDs would just start flashing so i'd have to reflash it on another PC (worked perfectly on my laptop).

A clean install of Windows didn't work. I read on the SS site that there were issues when Synology Diskstation Assistant was installed so I removed that and same thing.

Gave up in the end and sent them back. Pretty gutting really as the Kana was perfect for my grip type.
I also uninstalled anything synology I have. I've read that installing the drivers on the x86 program files instead would fix it but it gives no option on where to install drivers.
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