step down converters for nakachimi shockwave 9.2. 4

1 Jun 2017
hi does the nakachimi 9.2.4 subwoofers need to be plugged in to wall sockets

do i need 3 wall sockets in total
i live in the united kingdom i bought from usa

if the subwoofer need plugs

what step down converters will i need three of them can you give me make and model

step down converters to use with the nakachimi 9.2.4 schockwave system thanks
If the nak is 110v PSU only and not auto switching you'll need a hefty step down converter equal or greater than the maximum power usage of the unit.

Do you have photo of the nakamichi power supply area?
required soundbar 100-240 volt 50/60hz
Subwoofers 110-240 volts 50/60hz
Total soundbar wattage 1000 watts

what do you recommend to use with it

no I don't have a pic
required soundbar 100-240 volt 50/60hz
Subwoofers 110-240 volts 50/60hz
Total soundbar wattage 1000 watts

Surely if the manual and the product labels list 110-240V 50/60Hz then it's designed for use directly with mains at up to 240V AC 50Hz. The UK is 220V AC 50Hz. That's within the specification. No stepdown transformers required.

2-back-large.jpg (3840×2160) (
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the subwoofers and soundbar have 2 prongs on them
That's just a power cord. You bought from the US, so of course they supplied US-style mains cables. But look at the other end of the power leads; the end that plugs in to the devices. Do you recognise that? It's a figure-of-8 connector. This is standard in the world of electronics be it 110V or 220V. All you need is some UK power leads. How hard is that?

If you want to waste a bunch of money on stepdown transformers to convert UK 220VAC 50 to US-style 110V 60Hz when the product already does that then go ahead. It's your money, and if you don't mind the big ugly boxes in your living room then you're free to do what you wish. Me personally, I'd spend mat be a fiver a piece on three UK C-7 (fig-of-8) power cables and be done with it. Up to you though. Free country. Free choice.
so this one will do the trick

kenable Figure 8 Power Cable UK Plug to C7 Lead for LED or Smart TV Black 5m [5 metres] on amazon. Co. UK

You can answer your own query by responding to these three simple questions:

  1. will one end fit in the standard UK wall socket in my home?
  2. will the other end fit in to the gear I want to power?
  3. is the cable long enough for my needs?
If the answer is yes to all three then you know what you need to do next, and stop making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Good level of patience here lucid. I'm exhausted just by browsing through this thread.
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