Sticker my ride?

8 Aug 2003
I recently came in to the posession of a SELOC Motorsport windscreen sticker for my car (OK I bought one) and am in two minds about whether to fit it. The last time I considered putting a sticker on a car I was 18, the car was a Renault 5 Campus and the sticker was a rather large Kenwood one. In the end I decided against it and the sticker proudly adorned the back of my friends Metro GTi for a couple of years.

Piccy of an S1 with the sticker on...


I'm currently favouring fitting the sticker as:
  • I'm taking part in the SELOC Sprint series this year
  • It advertises SELOC
  • I think it looks good

On the down side:
  • It could look a bit Chav
  • Could affect visibilty
  • I'm bound to get it wonky
  • I'd have to wash my car before I could fit it

Comments & opinions appreciated and if a passing Don could make this a poll that would be great.
Well I decided to ignore the nay sayers and go for it and here are the results.



Feel free to comment though if you don't like it then you are clearly wrong :p
geiger said:
That license plate would fail the MOT I think and it'll confuse ANPR cameras which might have them pulling you over for it

I'm very sorry Officer. It must have just happened, I check my car everyday and it was fine this morning ;)
great advice said:
Gotta be naive to think you could really get away with it.

To be honest I'm not that concerned (or very naive). There are a lot of Elise owners who intentionally run with no number plate and I've yet hear of the Police doing anything apart from asking them to get one fitted. It would only be a possible problem (IMO and I could be wrong) if they used it as an excuse to fully inspect the car but as my car is always in tip top condition I wouldn't be concerned.
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