Stir frying help

29 Sep 2009
Im just starting to learn how to cook and had a go at stir fry today. I used a frozen chicken breast which I defrosted in the fridge overnight.

I cut the chicken into cubes and heated about a table spoon of olive oil in the wok, until it was too hot to hold my hand above it for more than a couple of seconds. When I added the chicken it made the oil spit for about 30 seconds, oil was flying all over the kitchen and then it subsided. I carried on, added the vegetables when the chicken was almost done and the end result was pretty good.

Any ideas what would make the oil spit like this? I spent more time wiping down my hob than I did cooking the stir fry.

I made the mistake of heating a slightly damp pan of oil once and the effect was very similar, I was thinking that perhaps my defrosted chicken breast (was vacuum sealed) was too wet?

The chicken was Marks and Spencer supposedly good quality but after defrosting in the sealed plastic bag it was quite wet when I was slicing it.

What is the reason for putting cornflour on the chicken pieces before frying?

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