Stock coolers ok?

13 Sep 2009
Are they really safe, for someone like me who won't overclock, would the stock cooler that comes with the I5, be ok?

As far as im aware, the only issue is noise, i can't remember in my last custom rig if was stock cooler.

Any idea how bad he noise is:eek:
Yes, it will be fine! The only reason you would want to get a better cooler is of you are overclocking or yes, if the stock one is too noisey!!
It shouldn't be too noisy. Plus they shouldn't sell CPU's with coolers if they won't be able to keep it cool enough!
It will be fine, but even a cheap aftermarket cooler like the TX3 would be miles better than it. Lower temps = a longer life, not just a larger overclock. Not to mention the lower noise.
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