Stocks and broths

30 Jun 2007
Hey, I'm looking at making my own stock and some bone broth, for chicken I'm thinking maybe roast a chicken and use the carcass from that (would it be ok to chop it up and freeze it so i could wait till I have a fair amount of bones to use at once?)

But I really want to try beef, but not sure what a sensible price to pay for bones is? Haven't had a chance to ask at a butchers yet (I never really use one as its out of the way).

I've seen one place online doing 1.98 per kilo which seems way less than most online places and wuite reasonable (yes it is human grade) If anyone does this what do you pay?
Hobby moses, same as making your own booze growing your own veg or doing pretty much anything yourself the days.

It's nearly always cheaper and easier to just buy something.

There is actually a differnce between broth and stock but iirc its actually backwards its a broth if you're leaving the mirepoix in to eat later a stock if your sieving it.

Also not having any salt in the sauce is good as it allows you to do all your seasoning at the end but thsts more an issue when you're doing more complicated stuff really.

Either way it's more an experiment see how it goes get a better understanding of the process and the options. 99% of the time I'll likley use premade stuff as usual but just like having brewed beer, grown veg, made wine, made meed, built weird electrical stuff and worked on my own motorcycles why not.
All for experimenting with stuff like trotters. One of the best dishes I ever had was a trotter at Koffmann’s gaff.

Whatever floats your boat. I just think there are more interesting and better bang for your buck things to do if wanting to experiment with spare time in the kitchen.

So it’s just unfiltered stock? Sounds grim. With stock you’re just extracting all the flavour you can from the stuff you put in... there’s a reason you seive it out! It’ll be flavourless mush. Would be far better to have some stock and then add in stuff afterwards to make a broth/soup, IMO.

It’s not like we’re talking about a tonne of salt. You’d add at least as much to season it properly afterwards. So don’t see the benefit of doing all this to avoid salt just to add it afterwards.

broth is more like a soup, but the bone broth fad is basically bovril/bullion so filtered broth so stock lol

kinda like how consommé is also a filtered clarified stock but also a kind of soup, as well as being infuriating to make lol

the salt isnt an issue if your using it as stock but if you're going to use it as the base for a reduction sauce etc then it can get too strong as thats not what theyre made for.
go to butchers get both meat and the bones.which he will probably give you for free.ask them about what you want to know they will generally know anything like that.also the meat they get in and how best to prepare it.

see thats the thing with it being a fad now theyre actually quite expensive, hence why i wanted some idea what price to expect.

free ones are not human grade dog stuff now, as they dont have to waste fridge space.

it is great to know basics of food and how such cheap dishes can taste great often better than dearer meals if you do a little cooking and prep.

yeah this is it i want to start with basics and work up, get an udnerstanding of how everything works more rather than just learn recipes.

also helps so when recipies online inveitibly turn out **** you know why
Yeah, that’s why I said ‘broth/soup’. My issue was just with ‘bone broth’, when it’s just stock.

yah but people no longer associate stock with a drink, but broth is more marketable.

its like loads of ****, take the madness over jamies jerk rice etc

i mean would you go buy a cup of stock to drink?
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