Stooopid Question!?!?!

20 Jun 2003
Darlington, UK.
I can think of a few.

1). To play games you can't get on the PC.
2). Play from the comfort of your couch.
3). Great for playing games with mates after a night on the beer.
4). Watching HD-DVD's when the drive is released.
5). Easy online play with friends via Live.
12 May 2005

1. For a start, different games are released on it. Gears Of War, Project Gotham Racing, Dead Rising blah blah blah.

2. Easy online play, with friends. I wont go in to detail about live, because its a long subject, but it beats the heck out of online via PC (the friends list especially). Ya know the friends list on steam? this makes it look sad and silly.

3. Easier for groups of people who are around your house at the same time. No crowding around a PC.

4. Its a digital centre, so you can play music or whatever in your living room, stream pictures. that kind of thing.

5. It really is an awesome console. look at the list of games coming out for it, and see if there is anything you are interested in.

I own a decent PC, and a 360. I would never consider not owning a 360.
Man of Honour
19 Jan 2003
It's also a hell of a lot easier and simpler for the casual gamer they don't have to worry about hardware, settings, installing, upgrading (well, appart from the odd extra peripheral), and cost (though I wont go into that, as it causes many arguments). Have a search of the many many 360vs.PC threads, you'll get a good few good and bad points there.
Man of Honour
19 Jan 2003
sinisterelbow said:
Technicially is there any reason they couldn't sell some sort of module to turn your PC into a 360?
Probably not, firstly, MS wouldn't allow it as it'd drop the sales of the 360, plus it would probably cost more than a 360 itself anyway.

It's the same with any console before it, it's a console, not designed to be played on PCs. The 360 has a tri-core processor and custom everything, and would be very difficult for a PC, if at all, to emulate a 360, at this point in time anyway. Maybe in a decade or something.



1 Apr 2003
I have a high spec PC, but I love the 'pick up and play' approach of 360 live gaming. If I want to play PGR/GRAW etc with friends, some invites are sent and we're playing while chatting away and having a good laugh in literally 2 minutes max. With the PC we all mess around on xfire/msn arranging a host, then some people cannot connect as they need to find, download and install patches, then they cannot connect for random reason #650, then someone's PC wont run said game as their hardware is from a museum.....
Repeat above to download software, find/configure/connect to a teamspeak or other voice server if the said game does not have native voice comms.

My main points:
- much more likely that all friends can afford a £199 console than a high spec PC
- much easier to connect to / set up multiplayer games
- ability to chat during games without needing an external voice server
- no 'hackers' in multiplayer - there is no way to manually modify game content; everyone is on a much more level playing field
- easier than most PCs bar a laptop to lug round to a friends house for a mini xbox-lan
- xbox live for (£30?, cheaper if you can find it) a year - no other monthly subscription prices (SOE, WOW etc etc)
- No need to upgrade every month or so to keep a decent framerate while keeping a high graphics quality for the latest games
- No bother with patches/updates/fixes/drivers and incompatibility issues. Any patches are done automatically.

Overall, just much easier and simpler to pick up and play with no fuss!
3 Jan 2006
South Wales
I wouldnt say get a 360 because its better than a PC or easier than a PC. I would get one because it is a good toy that is fun to use. No other reasons required.
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