Stopping a full text index Exchange 2003

31 Dec 2003
Stoke on Trent
hi all,

I started a full text index creation earlier and want to stop it, any idea how?

the First Administrative Group > Servers > server > First Storage Group > Mailbox store name > Full Text Indexing "index state" shows that there is no full text index for this store, I don't seem to have a method of stopping it, help please!
cheers guys, I did Skidilliplop's suggestion and to all intents and purposes I think it's still running :eek: very strange but I get the impression this Full Text Indexing is a bit unstable! Will try on smaller mailstores.
can find out soon, but FYI I did the same operation on a Mail Store containing 1 x 146KB mailbox and it hung my Exchange System Manager and still don't think it's actually Indexed that mailbox!!!!!!! Is it flakey or am I doing something wrong!? should I just use CLI?
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