Stopping spammers harvesting your published email address?

6 Sep 2005
Hi guys

I've got an email address published on my website and received my first piece of spam yesterday (eek!), obviously the address has been harvested.

How can I go about stopping this happening?

I have read of ways of putting simple html inbetween the letters in the address such as bolding and unbolding so it doesn't look like an address to a bot but a person doesn't notice.

I've also read about forms which I don't really want to use and automated email encoders.

What would everyone recommend?

(P.S. My html knowledge is extremely limited so keep it simple please!)

Use an image for the @ and dont have mailto links. If you must have a contact form put a php form that sends the values to a database or a variable which is your email address which isnt displayed.
Noooooo! People who don't use javascript, people who have it turned off, code validation, code size, search engines and so on. It just doesn't make any sense at all :p

Use a web-based contact form, put your e-mail address as an image, or install SpamAssassin or a similar spam filter at your mailbox.

In all honesty the spammers will find you eventually if only through brute force.

Another strategy is to use one address publicly on your site & to sign up to subscriptions, and another for private stuff.
stoofa said:
Use this groovy utility:

Put in the details and it prints the HTML code for you at the bottom which you only need to copy & paste into the rest of your code.
I use it on my site and I receive very little Spam on my "Contact Me" address and it appears on every page.
Just tried that out - very cool (but still JavaScript!) :p
Don't care about who gets your address but instead install a spam filter locally. I get a ton of spam but never see any of it 'cause Google and Thunderbird detect it so well.
Thanks for the links guys! :)

I've had a stab at using unicode:

I've tested it and it seems to be doing the trick, my actual email address isn't shown anywhere on the webpage, any instances of it have been replaced with "click here to contact us" and the 'mailto' instruction now has a code behind it instead of an address.

Hopefully it'll work, what do you think?
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