Am I the only one that find it DAMN annoying that when I put in a DVD (in this case Serenity) I have to watch a 1minute + long warning about copyright? I'm sorry but surely they're missing the point, I bought this DVD and it's in a collection of about 150 DVDs now. Leave me alone and remove these annoying, pointless warnings or at the least allow me to skip them! When I put a DVD in I want the menu to come up RIGHT AWAY, don't make me watchin this it's pointless, it's not going to persuade someone who copies DVDs not to! have they EVER proved that actually work!
It's like back int he days of trailors on videos where you'd have to spend 5minute fast forwarding to skip them!
argh! <runs around in a circle>
It's like back int he days of trailors on videos where you'd have to spend 5minute fast forwarding to skip them!
argh! <runs around in a circle>