store bought DVDs and copyright warnings

14 Jul 2003
Am I the only one that find it DAMN annoying that when I put in a DVD (in this case Serenity) I have to watch a 1minute + long warning about copyright? I'm sorry but surely they're missing the point, I bought this DVD and it's in a collection of about 150 DVDs now. Leave me alone and remove these annoying, pointless warnings or at the least allow me to skip them! When I put a DVD in I want the menu to come up RIGHT AWAY, don't make me watchin this it's pointless, it's not going to persuade someone who copies DVDs not to! have they EVER proved that actually work!

It's like back int he days of trailors on videos where you'd have to spend 5minute fast forwarding to skip them!

argh! <runs around in a circle>
I agree with you. Some films even have adverts for other films before them now that you can skip through, but you shouldn't have to!
have to admit- having copyright warinings on legit media does seem a tad pointless

all that happens is that the owner of the dvd gets annoyed, and the pirate (yarr!)/downloader/copyer has a little giggle.

"Menu" button always do the magic for me on my dvd. One press and it skips all junk to the movie main menu!!
There's a similar thing on my 24 season 4 discs, a massive advert on each disc about piracy (almost the same as the one that used to be on video), and it can't be skipped with the menu button :mad:.
I usually wander off and brew up after sticking a DVD in. It is irritating as you can't skip a lot of them like with VHS.
I hate this as well. And the best is the copied versions dont have any of the carp on them =\ (or so im told...)
I get annoyed by the copyright messages to, it just the fact that it comes up EVERY time and lasts for ages. (well not ages but it seems like it)
Movie pirates wouldn't have to put up with this... :rolleyes:
I agree completely, the industry needs someone to give them a big poke and have them realise that crippling genuine consumers who've bought a real DVD is the worst possible way to stop piracy!
scenario: youve just got takeaway, hired a dvd and settling down with your mates in front of the tv.. you put the dvd on then sit back down on the sofa and tuck into your food only to find out you have to sit through those piracy warnings and its only when youre practically finished does that actual movie start properly... doh!
Can you imagine all the people about to rip the film off the DVD and then see that message when they put it in their computers and I think: "Oh no! It's really stealing? From now on I'll never do it again."

...No, I can't either.
Yeah I would steal a car, got a problem? :p

These dvds are annoying, especially the ones where you have to watch the piracy warning as well as the movie trailers (i.e. you can't fast forward or select a different menu), but if you are running it on a pc you can simlpy select the vobs instead of the whole dvd on media player classic and it will show just the movie, I don't know if you can do this on a dvd player though.
pyro said:
Yeah I would steal a car, got a problem? :p

I love those quotes ...

You wouldn't steal a car...
You wouldn't poison your grandmother...
You wouldn't kick a sack of kittens...

Don't steal movi... oh well I guess since you are trapped watching this you haven't stolen a movie, I guess this is the very definition of irony... sorry, Bye!
Its the punchy music about video piracy funding terrorism and drugs which leads to...


If you do you fund druglords and such like etc etc
Bumhucker said:
Can you imagine all the people about to rip the film off the DVD and then see that message when they put it in their computers and I think: "Oh no! It's really stealing? From now on I'll never do it again."

...No, I can't either.

yep, more than likely they would cut it out... just in case their customers have a guilty consious :p
Velocity219e said:
You wouldn't poison your grandmother...
You wouldn't kick a sack of kittens...
Probably not - Except that now you've suggested it . . .

I wonder what the legality is of software that enables you to bypass the warnings / adverts - being that the same software can often be used to circumvent copy protection.
<Really Mad Mode = ALL CAPS>

I just spent £15.99 on this damn DVD. I OWN IT. I WILL COPY IT FOR BACKUP. IT IS MINE! Oh and it is Copyright Infringement not theft. Repeat - IT IS NOT STEALING. Get it you stupid media barons?

Yes it makes me mad. So mad that when it happens in the cinema (where I have paid good money) I shout at the screen. I get the odd clap too!

<\Really Mad Mode>

If I can skip it I do, if not it's a big steaming poo or coffee. :p :D
Heh those things are so annoying. Yet, people who actually copy the DVDs can easilly (a one button click) allow people to skip over those menus or even rip them out completely. So it really is quite pointless :D.

(I know this from backing up my dvds and removing all the crap)
Borris said:
Probably not - Except that now you've suggested it . . .

I wonder what the legality is of software that enables you to bypass the warnings / adverts - being that the same software can often be used to circumvent copy protection.

for the PC I use a program called DVDregionFree it basically patches the interface between your DVD drive and the OS so it never updates the firmware to region lock the drive, it also overrides the DVD limiters on when and where you can fast forward, skip tracks etc...

I'm pretty sure its legal as its a commercial product (about 10 dollars when I got it) but if anyone feels otherwise just say so ;)

My standalone DVD player ignores region codes and FF/skip rules anyway ;)
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