Storing and playing digital audio files

17 Oct 2011
I have had the same separates since around 1992. A Marantz CD63SE and a Marantz PM54SE. A few years ago I bought some Monitor Audio floor standing speakers and it is a combination that works well for me and the music I listen to.

I have been thinking about adding something that will digitally store and play recordings in the highest possible quality. A display on the device with the track/artist/album information would be nice.

I haven't yet decided how much I would be willing to spend, but less than £1000 I would have thought.

Is anyone able to suggest some options please?
I'd have thought a Sonos Connect and a NAS would do a good job of handling this, controlled with a smartphone.

Your CD ripping would have to take place on your computer. I guess it depends how much you value a one-box solution.

I have a Synology NAS and 2 x WD Red 2 TB I bought some time ago but haven't got around to using yet. I shall look into the Sonos.

One more question, if you can indulge me guys.

How much of a difference to the quality of the sound does a digital data connection between the source and the amp make? My PM54SE doesn't have digital in, but I note that the Marantz PM6005 does.
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