Strange advise from an e-tailer...what do you think

26 Oct 2002
Corby Glenn
Hi guys spec as in sig

Been having a bit of bother with oc'ing my rig past 300fsb.
I suspect it's the ram, tried different slots etc but no luck. I sent it back to them cos memtest said it was faulty and they sent it back saying all was fine.
Now although it's rated at 4,4,4,12, if you go to corsairs website Here, again everything looks fine until you scroll down and look at the bottom left of the screen. It mentions something about 5,5,5,18 and jedec spec. Now the tech guy i spoke to suggested this was a memory controller and if that particular one was on my board??? then i can only run at the lower timings.

Now i don't pretend to be an expert but is he talking bull or what?
Am i right in thinking it should run at the timings specified on their website (e-tailer), and indeed whats on the labels on the sticks themselves.
Memtest shows no errors at the slower speeds but really doesn't like the tighter settings, even below 800 ( it was about 775 with the *2.5mem multi)

Any help appreciated guys.


If the memory is producing errors at stock speeds (both FSB and timings) then you are well within your rights to demand a replacement set as the memory is not fit for the purpose it was made. However if it works at stock and then fails 1mhz over you cannot demand a replacement as this is down to overclocking and most, if not all companies will not guarentee memory or cpus in an overclocked state.
but surely if my fsb is 399 with a multi of 2 then this is 798mhz and not over spec at all.
Does the fsb have a bearing on the mem speed, apart from setting it if you know what i mean.
266 *3or 400 * 2. does it really matter? :confused:
w3bbo said:
If the memory is producing errors at stock speeds (both FSB and timings) then you are well within your rights to demand a replacement set as the memory is not fit for the purpose it was made. However if it works at stock and then fails 1mhz over you cannot demand a replacement as this is down to overclocking and most, if not all companies will not guarentee memory or cpus in an overclocked state.

except for ocz they will without fuss :)
if it cant run 4-4-4-12 800mhz as stated then its not fit for its purpose imo,
you brought them with specs/performance stated in mind.
first you need to do reseach on mobo/ram combo compatibillity, check out corsair/gigabyte forums for support. maybe a bios update is needed and also what mobo and timings etailor tested on.
Have you try running your system with no O/C for RAM,CPU and then checking the RAM at stock speeds (both FSB and timings) as suggested by w3bbo.

Then you can play with different timings to see which point a problem occurs.

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