Well the tittle says it all. For me the things i have eaten are listed below...Get yourself ready
Dog - I had this as my clan believe in the God of iron (Ogun), a male canine is use for the sacrifice and offering to appease the god.
Bat - We literaly shot them down the sky (with stone catapaults) in the evening when they storm out of the caves and tree for hunting.
Snakes - Mostly all sorts that live in the tropics, My ganddad use to bring huge looking snake home from the farm.
African giant rat - we get this a lot during the maize/corn harvest time and man they taste nice. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?i...s?q=african+giant+rat&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=N
Winged termites and Queen termite - The winged are slightly roasted and it is a good source of proteins, as for the queen termite, you have to break the termite castle to get to her and be prepare for loads of hostility to from the workers in the nest.
African giant snails - a natural source of afrodisiac, i ate plenty of this and yes they are natural afrodisiac. Just look at the size of them http://www.agri.state.id.us/Categories/PlantsInsects/PlantDiseasesAndOtherPests/Images/GALS.jpeg
Antelopes/deers - This i tried couple of times, my uncle shot them down with his home made rifle.
Monkeys- The first time i saw it been roasted, it looked like a human baby with a tail and i felt like a cannibal but once the serving was done man i forgot all about my guilt.
Other include eating raw crabs, fish, squireil and the giant ant eater. That's all i can remember from the top of my head.
I bet some of you think i am crazy or i am an animal! Well i am not crazy, if you live in that part of the world, you will understand why and for the animal bit, maybe i am but a human version
Now who can beat my record. Go on let hear/see the weirdst thing you've eaten apart from your lamb, beef, pork and salmon!! Remember one man's meat is another man's poison.
Dog - I had this as my clan believe in the God of iron (Ogun), a male canine is use for the sacrifice and offering to appease the god.
Bat - We literaly shot them down the sky (with stone catapaults) in the evening when they storm out of the caves and tree for hunting.
Snakes - Mostly all sorts that live in the tropics, My ganddad use to bring huge looking snake home from the farm.
African giant rat - we get this a lot during the maize/corn harvest time and man they taste nice. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?i...s?q=african+giant+rat&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=N
Winged termites and Queen termite - The winged are slightly roasted and it is a good source of proteins, as for the queen termite, you have to break the termite castle to get to her and be prepare for loads of hostility to from the workers in the nest.
African giant snails - a natural source of afrodisiac, i ate plenty of this and yes they are natural afrodisiac. Just look at the size of them http://www.agri.state.id.us/Categories/PlantsInsects/PlantDiseasesAndOtherPests/Images/GALS.jpeg
Antelopes/deers - This i tried couple of times, my uncle shot them down with his home made rifle.
Monkeys- The first time i saw it been roasted, it looked like a human baby with a tail and i felt like a cannibal but once the serving was done man i forgot all about my guilt.
Other include eating raw crabs, fish, squireil and the giant ant eater. That's all i can remember from the top of my head.
I bet some of you think i am crazy or i am an animal! Well i am not crazy, if you live in that part of the world, you will understand why and for the animal bit, maybe i am but a human version

Now who can beat my record. Go on let hear/see the weirdst thing you've eaten apart from your lamb, beef, pork and salmon!! Remember one man's meat is another man's poison.