Strange Blade Center problem.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
I just popped in our server room today to check something, and whilst in there i noticed that our Blade Center, a c7000, wasn't detecting one of the Blades on its screen health thing.
Thought it was a random bug, shutdown the server affected, removed the blade, put it back in. Then while it faffed, logged into the ILO for a closer look.
Still didnt pick it up.
Thought it might be a RA error, so i rebooted RA1, did a take over with RA2. Still no difference.
I removed the blade, put it in a different bay. Works fine.
Put a spare blade in the affected bay, that doesnt work either.
It appears to think theres an 'off' blade when theres nout in the bay, and no blade when theres a blade there.

Nouts happened to the Blade center since last Wednesday when i stuck an extra blade in, the spare. But apart from that, everything seems fine.

Anyone come across this strange problem and know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance all. :).
Updated the two RA cards to the latest last night and redid all the servers to the latest this morning.
Still no better.

I have noted that if a server is unplugged from the affected bay for more than a few minutes that the GUI says theres a manageament processor failure in that bay.
But then a search of the HP support site says that to fix it, update to the latest firmware!?
Common fault aparently with c7000 Blade Centers aparentely.

To fix: Remove both RA cards, then remove the RA tray. Then reinsert the tray, then one card at a time. Then reseat the blade.

All that can be done on a live system btw.
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