Strange cooling problem.. it’s too cool..

1 Mar 2024
So I have recently upgraded from a 5600 to a 5700x3d and when playing squads(badly threaded game) I see a max cpu temp of 49/51c

My problem is my system ideals at about 42c and will spike upto 51c when downloading and crap like that.

So I have no window in which to set a fan curve.

My cpu cooler is a 360mm corsair unit.
And at ideal I have my system fans to silent. Under gaming load I’d like them to ramp to give a little extra air to the GPU.

So obviously I’m going to need a controller of some sort so I can set the fans to follow the GPU temp and not the cpu temp.
What the best option.
You have a 10c difference from idle to load
That's enough to set a curve based on cpu temp
Just set the hystersis/polling rate
To a few seconds
That way spikes in cpu temperature won't ramp the fans
Up and down
Can't you do that already? BIOS often allows you to change the reference temp of a fan.

yes but just for CPU or system temp. i used to have a NZXT Grid+ that you could use to set the fans to monitor anything but i also know the Cam software is dog poo.
so i was just wondering if there was any better options that dont cost £200 like that Aquaero stuff
yes but just for CPU or system temp. i used to have a NZXT Grid+ that you could use to set the fans to monitor anything but i also know the Cam software is dog poo.
so i was just wondering if there was any better options that dont cost £200 like that Aquaero stuff

If the board can take a thermocouple input (only a few can these days) you could use that to monitor the graphics card and ramp fan speeds.

You could also manually set the fan speeds when gaming.
ive done what @Mcnumpty2323 said and things seam to be better.
also with the recent drop in temps my system is now idling down in to the mid 30's giving me a 14c window to set fan speeds

edit: it is a new windows install so that settling down will also help with idle temps too
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