Strange exchange looping issue - Help!

18 Oct 2002
Hi there, I wonder if someone can help before we raise this with microsoft.

Since last week we are having issues with out of office looping. WHat happens is the following...

A user with turn their OOO on, and while they are away an email will come through from an internal address which is sent to exchange vie SMTP, for example an office scanner, this address does has NOT have a mailbox in exchange.

THe user gets the email fine and they can even turn their OOO off but in the message tracker we are getting more and more emails, with sender being the user and recepient being the SMTP address, which remain active and generate the following log which goes round and round and round about 10 times every minute. issue.jpg

We are having problems with log file space filing up and the problem is getting worse as more emails are being generated.

We haven't changed anything on exchange since the problem started and we're at a loss!
Turns out this was caused by exclaimer mail utilities. We updated the software to version 4.82 a couple of weeks ago and to start with we didn't detect the issue because it took a little while for mails to start looping at the categorizer stage.

We were told by their support to downgrade to version 4.64 which solved the problem. I'm a bit annoyed that this version has been out since April and they are only just starting to work on the problem. They said other customers have been affected so I don't know why they allow people to download 4.82 still.
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