Strange Lights in teh Sky over North Essex

30 Mar 2007
Chaps ,

I have just witnessed one of the weirdest things I have seen , gone to pick up some Blue Rays frpm Block buster and driving back i could see three bright orange lights in the sky ( not high enough to be stars ) . I thought it must be the army on a late nigght training mission with the choppers.

Anyhow when i got home 300yards later getting out of the car the lights seemed to go high and away to the North and dissapear , I even got me kids to come out and see it alog with my neighbour !!!

Any ideas ?

Sorry Braintree area .
Chinese lanterns?

They seem to be gaining popularity here.

I saw a bunch of them released and they soon shot across the sky as they gained height and the wind caught them.
Use this handy guide to identify your UFO.

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