Strange noise from speakers (every 10 minutes or so)

8 Feb 2004
I have my PC hooked up to my amp/speakers via the usual front speaker output.

I've had this strange problem for ages, but I've never really tried to troubleshoot it... any light shed is better than nothing. Hoping it's not a ghost :)

I occasionally hear a quiet, short noise burst from the left speaker first - about 0.1 seconds of hiss/noise, then a gap of around 1.5 seconds, then another 0.1 seconds of quieter hiss/noise from the right speaker. It sounds like "pttt....." then a gap, then "pttt..." again but quieter.

It's not a major pain, it's just odd and I want to know what might cause this? Could it be the speakers, the amp, the cable? Intererence from an electrical or outside source?
i have the same trouble when i use my amp, i think it is because someone nearby is using a cb radio or some kind of transmitter of sorts :( cheeky ********... lol
I very occasionally hear something like this. Pretty sure it's radio interferance, something to do with mobile phones I suspect. Only get it with my Rotel RA-01 amp, my home built one has not yet done it, probably bacause the all metal chassis is actually earthed (the RA-01 and many commercial amps are double insulated construction so the chassis is floating point and has reduced ability to reject RF interferance).
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