Strange peer guardian 2 behavior in OSX

7 Aug 2004
As title, PG2 has been working fine for months, and now all of a sudden every block it makes a grey box appears on the right hand side of the screen, if a lot of blockes are happening (as there often is) tons of them appear and blanket the whole screen with block reports, which is damn annoying as I have to close them all to see what I was doing.

How do I stop it doing this ?
Either you're getting a lot of hits or you've changed the reporting config in growl; but if you want it to stop change the latter
Either you're getting a lot of hits or you've changed the reporting config in growl; but if you want it to stop change the latter

From the OPs description it does indeed sound like growl is freaking out with reports - give the growl settings a once over, and also those within PG2.

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