Strange Phone Calls.

14 Jun 2010
I was calling my friend today and I could hear some one speaking on the other end but not English (female voice), I hung up and called again same thing happened again but this time was male voice at the other end speaking (not English)

My friend call me back I could her, but she could not hear me?

Finally after the fourth time trying we could hear each other and have normal call.

Could one of our phones be hacked? I have tried call my other mates and have no issues.
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No! Have a bit of fun first... Never know you could find an interesting one... ;)

In reality that is a bit weird!
Bah called orange he tec support ran diagnostics could not find a issue, was told to monitor it for 24 hours.

Its strange as does not always happen, sometimes I have not dialing tone when calling people...
Dial tone? So it's a landline?

Someone's tapping you dude. Run for the hills!

I meant the ring ring sound you hear when calling.

I have worked out what is happening, I been calling my friends phone (have her phone in my hand) out of 27 calls 5 of them I could hear other peoples conversions but only one person talking :eek:
This reminded me, 20 years ago I used to be able to pick up the girl over the road talking on her phone on my fm radio. must have been a portable phone for her landline. Me and my mates had a bit of a laugh listening many years ago.
Reboot your phone - you're not bugged but you may have been assigned a wrong marker by the network. It's a bit technical (and super rare) but a reboot should fix it.
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