Strange problem with some games

10 Aug 2005
Hi people
Ive recently built a htpc for living room gaming for me and my sons, but am having an issue with certain games displaying properly on my 1080p panasonic plasma via hdmi.
An example is any of the lego games, when they boot up they are not outputting 1080p as its a fresh install and the screen is a mess of coloured lines and squiggles.
Im having to move the pc back to a monitor to see anything then change the ingame res to 1080p then move the pc back again!!
I know the tv can display 720p etc so why is this happening its driving me mad!
Ive googled the problem and cant find anyone mention this problem before which i dont understand?

I have all the lego games for my son and me to play and we sometimes use our 720P 32" TV.

what GPU are you using? does the desktop display ok on the tv and then the issues start when you load the games?

try updating the gpu drivers to the latest version from the manufactures website.

what OS are you running? as I am using windows 7
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Desktop is fine, most games are fine just the ones that load up at a lower res than 1080....
Its a brand new 960 gpu.
Windows 7 ultimate latest drivers.
Im thinking it could be a tv or cheap hdmi cable issue will test further...
yeah, good idea.

try a new HDMI cable\HDMI port on the tv and gpu.

if you save the ress in game does it stay or revert back once closed down? mine all stay the same once changed.

take it you don't get the issue when connected to your PC monitor just on your tv?
Yes res once set ingame sticks fine.
The game shows fine on my monitor in any res.
Just a pain to move my pc everytime i start a new game up....
HDMI ports on tvs are weird. They don't all do the same thing, 2 might do 1080p and another might only do 720p. They also don't always play nice with PCs.

Try all of them.
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