Strange Problem

18 Oct 2002
Not sure where to post this so went with GH.

I have a stange scratching noise coming from my speakers, its nothing to do with any cables or interfance that I can see.

What I have noticed is that when the computer is doing / processing something the noise if more frequent and louder. If the machine isn't doing anything you can bearly hear it or it isn't there at all sometimes.

This comes and goes. Any ideas what would cause this?
Hmm strange one!

Is it on-board or add-in card? Does the speaker vol. effect it? What happens if you mute some of the audio options, i.e. LineIn, Aux, etc does it still happen?

Have you got the speakers and computer PSU connected to the same power outlet? (i.e. a surge protector)

If so what happens if you move one to another socket/surge protector?
Its on-board sound. Musting any of the audio options doesn't help, and changing the volume doesn't affect how lound it is etc..

PSU and speakers are connected to 2 seperate surge protectors, so not that unfortunatly.

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