strange problem

18 Aug 2005
ok, so i just built my new pc i go to 3d benchmark 03 it.. gets as far as the troll bit and it dies!

it gets no singal input to my monitor and my fans hit max rpm, then i have to power off my pc and then it boots up alright.

it was overclocked at the time, so i reset bios back to defaults, tried again same problem.


core duo e4300
Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (on f10 bios)
kingston value 512 533 (all i can afford atm :( )
connect 3d ati 1950x pro 256mb
2 x samgsung SP on raid 0 stripped
hiper type R psu

i think its the lack of decent ram :P but i would still expect it manage 3dmark 03 without dying.

another thing thats odd is that my mouse light on my roller stays on when i turn my pc off which it never did on my old setup.

any help great thanks.
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i only finished building it last night so only really been web surfing / msn and i had a quick blast on c & c tiberium sun which aint exactly meaty :P

but yea.. 3dmark03 only thing its crashed on.

i was thinking ill get quake 4 on.. set it to max setting play it for a while.

ill try mem test aswell when i get home :)
ok ive been troubleshooting this more tonight.. ive noticed just before my pc does die there is no loss in performance.

i.e i tested in 3dmark06 and was getting 20+ fps then dead.

also.. sometimes when i log on and my desktop is loading the windows welcome sound is really juddery as in something is struggling.

*edit* when it dies pressing the reset button does nothing, i have to hold the power button. could this be PSU issue?

hmmmm :confused:
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ive not had chance to run memtest as it takes agesss!
but.. ive borrowed 2 x 1gb cheapy ram to test tonight see what happens :) i bloodly hope its my ram, because i was planning to replace anyways lol

ill have to check volts, but on stock settings temps are around 20oC i think
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