Strange sound problem

12 Aug 2005
Team 10
Whenever I'm doing something thats HDD intensive on my system like installing a game, trying to listen to music is horrible! Its filled with noise and slows down somewhat. I have no idea why as if I play the music form CD, it works fine while installing a game.

Ideas? (System in sig)
If the music is on the same HDD as your being intensive with then that's your answer. HDD can't read two datablocks at the same time, get intensive with your HDD and it just can't keep up.

I assume you have two CD drives of some sort, I'm guessing EITHER, your CD when playing audio is using the audio cable to send the music ( thus not being affected by the databus ) OR when installing a game your not hammering the databus sufficient to swamp it.
Ok well I havn't connected the cable from CD drive to the mobo so its transferring via the IDE cable. I never had this error on my old system so I assume its gotta be something to do with the new mobo.

Oh and I moved a music file to my raptor drive (not used for installing games) and I still had the same error but not to the same degree of intensity.

I've listened to music before while installing a game on my old system. Maybe I could do that because it was TOO slow at installing a game and therefore allowing me to do more work on the HDD at one time :confused:
Update sound drivers and use a minimal resource player like old winamp 2 or a light freeware media player just to test it out.
I`d disable system restore if you haven`t already and the antivirus(leave firewall running).
Installing/unrarring stuff does slow up any machine so i`ll set the music playing first otherwise i`m unlikely to get into playlist to change while its installing.
Don`t know about raptors tho,they are mighty fast!
Well the sound drivers I installed came with the mobo so I assume they're sposed to work. I'll try it using winamp or something else when I get home too.

Well the really annoying thing is that my old machine (Ancient by todays standards) would play music perfectly fine while I was installing a game or something.

Is what I've got now so good that it uses the max memory bandwidth?

Another thing I've noticed is that it seems to take forever to read from a DVD. I can couple this with the fact then when plugging in the IDE cable for my DVD drive, I couldn't get it in all the way and just assumed that it was in as far as it will go. I was thinking of playing a DVD movie through it as that has quite a high data transfer rate and should tell me if its working properly or not.

Oh and I tried to copy the game DVD install off the DVD to my HDD and i was only getting about a 1-2MB/s transfer rate. Now aren't DVD's supposed to be about 10-15MB/s?
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