Strat Lan

17 Jun 2009
Now that I-series has become infested with children running around with £40 plastic swords & picks i've decided i'm never going again... Now dont get me wrong, i know they're the next generation and what not. But i go to lan to get hammered, have some chill time and be around like minded people….. Not being shouted at by some parent for screaming **** off at my screen (this is rare ofc)

The turning point for me was the opening ceremony... I remember just a few years back all adults standing in the crowd trying to grab pointless free stuff such as sweets being thrown out. Last year, went to the opening to find i was literally surrounded by 7 – 13 year old kids competing to trying to grab free stuff... I really took a step back and evaluated my life i can tell you!

Anyways, we've decided to finally give StratLan a try in Feb. Anybody been before? Whats the weekend like as a whole. I've had some decent info off my mate, but more info the better?
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