Streaming Audio Live over the net

1 Dec 2004
Im not sure if this is the correct forums?

I want to stream a mix on my decks live over the internet, then give the address to people so they can listen? i have my decks hooked upto my pc in (Line IN) and it works cos i record mixes by doing this..

I also have my own webspace, but how would i go about doing it??

More info would be great...ta
You could get a good Winamp ShoutCast setup going (I think it's called shoutcast). The one that broadcasts whatever music you put into Winamp. You can also talk through it, fade the music etc.


Beaten to it :p
Craig321 said:
You could get a good Winamp ShoutCast setup going (I think it's called shoutcast). The one that broadcasts whatever music you put into Winamp. You can also talk through it, fade the music etc.


Beaten to it :p

Its not a winamp playlist tho, the feed is going to be coming live from my decks onto the web...can this still be done using shoutcast?
[Sniper][Wolf] said:
Its not a winamp playlist tho, the feed is going to be coming live from my decks onto the web...can this still be done using shoutcast?

I'm not sure. You might be able to set something up if you connect it to your PC properly. Then whatever's played on the decks will go through Winamp out onto the internet.
Would shoutcast require the other person to have winamp? or would it open in realplayer/windows media player?
They just need to put the URL to the radio (http://ip.blahblah:8000) into a .asx file to listen to it in most players.

The default file is .pls which only works on Winamp I think, but you could make an .asx for it and put it up for download for people who want to use WMP.

Craig321 said:
They just need to put the URL to the radio (http://ip.blahblah:8000) into a .asx file to listen to it in most players.

The default file is .pls which only works on Winamp I think, but you could make an .asx for it and put it up for download for people who want to use WMP.


so i would create a .asx file how? how would i add the link in this? then i can upload it to my webspace, put a link on my page which links to this file then this will download on there machine and open the stream in media player?
[Sniper][Wolf] said:
so i would create a .asx file how? how would i add the link in this? then i can upload it to my webspace, put a link on my page which links to this file then this will download on there machine and open the stream in media player?

To make it you'd just put the URL to the radio station which would be http://ipaddress:8000 into a notepad document, then save it as filename.asx

You can then put the link up on your website, when the link is clicked it'll either open their windows media player and play the file or it'll make them download it to their PC so they can play it. Depending on their setup.

Craig321 said:
To make it you'd just put the URL to the radio station which would be http://ipaddress:8000 into a notepad document, then save it as filename.asx

You can then put the link up on your website, when the link is clicked it'll either open their windows media player and play the file or it'll make them download it to their PC so they can play it. Depending on their setup.


ok cool, will get on the case now!!

Im installing winamp and the shoutcast plugin now, is there anything special i need to know about the installation? how does it know what address to stream the audio to? as its going to be my webhost... correct?

If you're running it from home, then you'll need to forward port 8000 to your computer unless you're directly connected to the internet.

The only way you'd be able to run the station off your webhost is if you have visual remote access to it.

The easiest way it just to limit the ammount of users etc. to what your net connection can handle.

Once you have set it all up and done port forwarding if necessary the radio station address will be http://yourip:8000 unless you change the IP. e.g. if you change the IP to 5748 the address will be http://yourip:5748.

You can find your IP at

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[Sniper][Wolf] said:
as its going to be my webhost... correct?

nope. you have to serve the stream directly from the pc that you are encoding to.... :)

of course the number of listeners will be limited by your upstream capacity.
If you have a nice internet connection that isn't going to be interrupted by downloads and stuff then it'll be good.

If you're serious about running an internet radio station and want to get it big then maybe get the fastest line possible that your ISP has (you'll probably already be on the fastest now as on most ISPs all package speeds are the same) and split it in two which is about £50 to do - one half for radio & one half for you.

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