Streaming media from Plex on R Pi to Now TV Box

8 Apr 2013
Last night I installed Plex onto my Now TV box.

I have an external HDD plugged into my Raspberry Pi with movies and tv shows on and I was wondering if there was a way I can stream films to my Now TV box from my Raspberry Pi.

If not, is there any other easy way?
You can't get Plex Home Server for the Raspberry Pi unfortunately. - this thread seems to confirm it.

The last post recommends Serviio as a DLNA server for the Pi. There's this thread on the Serviio forums ( that talks about using Chaneru from the Roku channel store that could perhaps be side loaded on the NowTV.

So that might be a solution. Serviio on Pi, Chaneru on NowTV.

I will look into this tonight thank you :)
You can't get Plex Home Server for the Raspberry Pi unfortunately. - this thread seems to confirm it.

The last post recommends Serviio as a DLNA server for the Pi. There's this thread on the Serviio forums ( that talks about using Chaneru from the Roku channel store that could perhaps be side loaded on the NowTV.

So that might be a solution. Serviio on Pi, Chaneru on NowTV.

Had a look now and I can't find a Zip File anywhere to side load Chaneru onto the Now TV Box. It seems the developers doesn't want to release the source code.

Is there any other solution?
Hum, a quick wee browse and it does appear getting a DLNA client for the NowTV is a bit of a pain.

Not overly familiar with it but would Media Browser allow you to do it?

Worth a try considering the instructions are there to install it:

It doesn't look like the pi will run mediabrowser, might just look into getting the Amazon Fire for the front room and using the pi in the bedroom
No, put media browser on the NowTV to stream from the DLNA server you install on your rasp pi.

To be honest you're making it quite hard for yourself because essentially all you've got is "clients" and you need a "server".

In my opinion a Raspberry Pi is not a good server for hosting your media. Simply the the fact it CAN doesn't mean it SHOULD and sure doesn't make it GOOD.

You want to make this easy for yourself then sort out setting up the server on your PC (means it need to be on to server your videos) but at least it will work without any hassle what so ever.

EDIT: And yes, the Amazon Fire TV is a great bit of kit (just bought my 4th) but doens't solve your problem of not having a server to SERVE your media to your other devices. Saying that, Amazon Prime Instants lineup is great.

You are right, I'm not making it easy for myself. I am just trying to save money and I don't want to leave my computer on all the time. Costs a lot more to run that a Raspberry Pi
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