Streaming/sending video from camera to next building?

12 Jan 2009
OK. This is going to be a vague question to start with as I don't know details yet.
My dad has been asked today by a friend of his to stream live video of a funeral service to a reception/village hall that is the building next door, as there will be far more people attending than can fit in the service. He's thinking of setting up a video projector in the room in the hall next door to the service, but how do we get the picture to it? The camera has HDMI output and "AV" output, which seems to be component with mono (phono) audio.
We don't know much detail yet, particularly if either building has any wireless internet available, and more importantly the distance between the rooms. My dad has been told the buildings are about 15 feet apart, but we don't know how far apart the rooms themselves are or what's inbetween. Hoping to find out more details tomorrow.
My first though is HDMI over ethernet adaptors, but we don't yet know the distance. MrsSeabuiscuit thought Skype, but we don't know if there is any connection. I also thought using a tablet and streaming to a Chromecast on an ad-hoc wireless network from a tablet camera, but don't know the distance between the rooms to know if this is possible.
With this very vague information, anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions? I don't know too much details as yet, other than the funeral is in just over a week.

Any ideas would be welcomed.
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Just to add we are looking for something relatively inexpensive as whilst my father in law will not be footing any bills it will be most likely never needed again. :)
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Watch your HD Content elsewhere on your TV.
Watch films, look at photographs from, for example, your Media Centre PC, Blu-Ray player, game console, set top box or hard-disk recorder on a different TV/projection screen in perfect HD quality.
Wired signal transmission up to 60 metres!
Optimum price/quality ratio as a result of using CAT5e/CAT6 cabling.
Retention of Full HD 1080p image and sound quality for up to 30 metres.

first one I came across,
one of these and 2 cat5e cables
wouldnt risk trying a wireless option
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