Streaming Spotify directly to a radio?

5 Dec 2006
Does anyone know of a radio or radio-like device which will stream Spotify directly and cut out the smartphone / tablet middle man?
I have a WIRED router and use powerline adapters and ethernet to provide network connections around the house. So, without wifi, the smartphone linking to a radio with a "connect" feature to play Spotify is not an option. So I guess I need a radio with a Spotify app on it?

Has this been invented yet?
I spoke to Roberts about that one. They said you can't STREAM Spotify directly to the radio via LAN or wifi - you have to stream it to iPhone, iPad etc (over wifi ) and Spotify Connect then links to your device and this plays it through the radio. So the radio is almost just acting as a speaker.
Aggghhh... back to square one. Roberts Radio have just tested the "Smart phone 3G/4G" connection with Spotify Connect on one of their radios and it did not work. The Spotify Connect icon actually disappears. Then they directed me to a paragraph on the Spotify help page which says "for Spotify Connect to work, ALL devices must be on the same WI-FI network".
All I want to do it stick the ethernet cable into a small, kitchen friendly, device and stream/control Spotify!!!! Is it too much to ask with no WI-FI??????
Yeah, I've since read something else on a Spotify FAQ which does promote this method. So do Roberts just not know what they are doing/talking about or is it a case of it not working on THEIR devices? I'm thinking of getting one and just trying it - can always take it back to the shop.
Ok... I LANed up the radio and ran the Spotify app on the radio itself - it sticks at "waiting for user". Then, I put an ethernet in the iPhone so they were both on the same network - radio app FINDS me. I'm playing Spotify via the radio, turned the phone off, Spotify still works via radio. I disconnected Ethernet (on the phone) and controlled the PHONE app via 4G, the LAN supplied radio obeyed my 4G driven phone commands - without any apparent use of the cellular data (to stream the music).
My final test will be, when the radio is completely powered down and then back up, do I have to go through the whole phone/ethernet process again so they are all linked to the same network (to begin with).
I think we have success!! It appears just as FerretBoy says... once you have done the one-time link (using the ethernet cables etc), the RADIO is then centrally registered with your Spotify ACCOUNT. So, you just select that as the player when you run your cellular data driven app on the phone and the music starts streaming through the radio (obviously the radio is still on the LAN).
And Roberts said it can't be done.... they almost talked themselves out of a sale there.
I had one and then decided to go WIRED LAN when I read of the increasing evidence for health detriment of close-proximity WIFI - particularly for young children. France have already banned it in primary schools and Germany are following suit. I have a 3 and 5 yr old. Since the switch I've found very little inconvenience (helped by powerline adapters) and often improved speed/stability of connections.
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