Streaming Tidal?

17 Oct 2011
I want to connect an Android or iOS tablet to a dock that has an SPDIF coax connection to feed my DAC.

I can't find one for Android and the only ones I can find for Apple use the 30 pin connector which is no good (because that restricts me to iPad 3 whose iOS version is too low to use the Tidal app)!
My DAC does have USB. That is an option, but I'd rather use SPDIF Coax because it's just better. What USB options exist? They must output the audio signal digitally via the interface connector.
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Thanks Caged.

The Apple camera cable doesn't come with the male USB B type connector which I need for the DAC. I can use an adapter but there are obvious signal degradation issues then.

USB OTG with Android would be perfect IF I didn't have to use USB Audio Player Pro which is the only way you could force the signal out digitally. Unless something has changed in the last couple of months...
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