Street Legal Racing Redline is being developed again

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
The new version is on Steam for £5. They've fixed most of the bugs and added some new content. It's a great buy for £5. It looks as old as it is, but it has much more customisation than any other game I've seen. Engines, for example. None of the "swap engine for more powerful one" simplification - you have to go through the parts catalogue to build an engine piecemeal, remove parts as required to replace a part and rebuild it afterwards. The driving isn't a simulator, but it is rather less arcade than many. You won't be buying "stage 3 tires" for a 400hp Golf and cornering safely at 100mph while you're braking.

I've played it for ~2 hours and it hasn't crashed once. They really have fixed most of the bugs.

It's a development version and there are some rough edges. Camera angle defaults to 3rd person whenever you leave the garage, enter a race or leave a race. Some keys will trigger 2 things if you rebind them (e.g. 's' will toggle cruise control, so if you rebind it to acceleration that will be a problem). The game defaults to a rather ugly windowed mode when set to 1920x1080 on a 1980x1080 monitor. But it's far, far more stable than the original release and it's an excellent open world street racing and customisation game. Well worth a fiver if you like that sort of thing and aren't bothered by graphics that were good for 2003 and quite silly car names because they couldn't afford to license real ones.
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