Streets of Rage 4

23 Jun 2004
Did a search and was surprised there isn't a thread about this.

A fourth SOR is finally coming out, looks good imo and devs seem to be very passionate and big fans of the original games. SOR arguably has one if the best soundtracks of its era and Yuzo Koshiro is returning to contribute to the SOR4 soundtrack.

Releases on April 30th.

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I loved these on mega drive, streets of rage was always my favourite game growing up.

Really looking forward to it. Any idea of the price?

No price officially on Steam yet but one of the devs in Steam Forums said "Greetings, Today we are more than thrilled to announce that Streets of Rage 4 is launching April 30 for $24.99!"

The new art style has grown on me I have to say and I was also very weary at first when I saw it was some French devs making it but following this game they have given me hope and as I said above seem very passionate and dedicated to doing the original games justice. Guess we'll find out on the 30th
The vids I have seen about sor4 and its development, the devs talk about how they loved playing the originals when they were younger and seem to have a genuine want to do them justice.

Skate in sor2 was a good addition imo, added more character diversity but I admit I did miss Adam but we get him back for Sor4 atleast
I ordered through gamivo, still showing as preorder.

Oh right, hadn't heard of them but after some investigation they seem to be trustworthy :). SoR4 is showing as out of stock on their site now though.
How much did you pay? I'm waiting to see what $24.99 on Steam ends up being in pounds.

Also for those waiting it looks like the game unlocks at 8am
I'm loving this so far. Using a Mega Drive pad from my Mega Drive mini really adds to the nostalgia. Got to level 12 last night on story mode without dying but couldn't get passed that level. Normal difficulty but it really ramps up at that stage. Had a couple of tries but had to turn off because wife wanted to go bed and she didn't want me to finish without her :p
Thanks for that! I'm not sure, something about the retro filter just looks off, like it isn't as clean as I'd have expected it to look. I might pick this up later tonight.

Retro filter will never look as sharp at true pixel graphics because at the end of the day its just a filter.

Didn't realise this on my play through last night but there are retro level hidden within the game.

Apparently there are four in total. You need to find the Bare Knuckle arcade machines and zap them with tasers to unlock the levels
Not for PC. I just had a quick look, 190 games. Not bad if you like many of the games on offer. I'd prefer to own SoR on Steam personally, but will wait until it's under £10

Steam is the best version, the other versions are missing features and many people can't even get the Game Pass version to run. Hopefully is this fixed now?
Its an awesome game thats for sure :D It's definately harder than the Megadrive versions but when you realise the extra potential you have for damage the game does get easier. Extending combos by cancelling into specials and bouncing enemies off walls etc.

The devs have stated that they are currently working on three similar unannounced projects. I'm hoping for a Golden Axe 4.

Also if you like Streets of Rage, have a Google for Streets of Rage Remake, its a free fan made SoR game that combines all 3 original games into one title. Thats awesome also!
yeah was fully expecting Shiva as the last DLC character. Not sure about the female cop character, would have preferred a returning character like Skate or even Zan tbh. I wonder what will happen if your playing as either Max or cop lady when you get to the part in the game when you would fight against them...?
Beat this a month or two back with my son in co-op.
It was OK, simple beat 'em up but a bit too short really, main campaign all done in a few hours over a weekend (I know there are other modes, but don't really have the energy for that). Nice bit of Nostalgia for the old megadrive games but the actual game itself honestly if it wasn't for the SoR tie in I think I'd consider pretty meh.

IIRC I also couldn't get it to run above 60fps.
Seems like your missing the point of these types of games. They aren't supposed to be 10 hour plus single player campaigns. They are short so you can have multiple play throughs, perfect combos and beat high scores etc.

TMNT Shredders Revenge is out on the 16th, can't wait :)
I guess high scores and optimising playthroughs is something I view as a bit of anachronism - it made sense 30 years ago because games were inherently more primitive, you could set benchmarks and work to beat it etc because they didn't really have to scope to create big immersive environments etc. But even then, when I played the original SoR games it wasn't really about the high scores for me, more like just playing through with the different chars, and the inherent difficulty of not being able to save the game so you had to beat it without exiting the game.

I can see the appeal for some people but in the modern age where we have thousands of games at our fingertips, for me personally it doesn't feel like a great use of my time to be replaying it, as a kid when you spent £45-50 (I think SoR3 was about that, let's say £80 in today's money) you needed to get your money's worth and play it to death, not so much now for a game picked up on Game Pass.

Forgot to mention, the soundtrack is decent, and a few nice nods in the direction of levels from SoR2 without being a complete rip off.
Also if you only play through once your missing out on about 10 characters
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