Strix x870 mated to a 9800x3D first boot/post issues

8 Aug 2007
New build woes:

I have a problem with this new build: a Strix x870 mated to a 9800x3D, Kingston FURY Beast DDR5 6000MHz,Corsair SHFT 850w, Lian Li Vision, no GPU yet.

As soon as it was together, it successfully posted to BIOS (showed CPU temps fine, RAM read ok and no apparent issues) but then dropped out after 4 mins and now doesn’t reboot. The Strix mobo board RGB comes on and glows, but no AIO power, but no other fans or RGB kit or fans illuminate.

Only things I can spot are that the yellow LED indicator for RAM top right of board briefly flashes once on Power up. Most odd as it posted fine for the first time.

I've heard that sometmes th x980 needs to update BIOS to recognise the 9800x3d. Tried updating BIOS via USB flashbios port on rear (despite setting drive to be bootable and renaming file) This just goes to yellow standing light after several blinks and doesn't turn off like it should to indicate that it has flashed BIOS successfully.

Reset CMOS, pulled battery, tried reseating all PSU cables, removed RAM sticks and swapped slots, reseated CPU and removed various cables to see if makes a difference but still no avail.

Only thing I can think of removing mobo from case completely and sending back PSU as it seems the board isn't getting power.


Any ideas?
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