struggling learning to customise wordpress

12 Feb 2006
im new to wordpress and i don't if either im not in the right frame of mind, or this is realyl hard, but im trying to understand what i need to do is learn how to make it so wordpress looks like my site.

my next project is for step dad and the something new for that project is setting up wordpress but it would need to be the look of his site, and not of wordpress.

can anyone link me to video tutorials or good reading tutorials for wordpress cusotmising. I have checked on their website but to be honest with you, im getting lost as its forever telling me to have read something, so i read it, get lost, read something else, not good.

thanks all

am i right in thinking wordpress can be changed to any look? the site of my step dads is for his electrician company and what he wants is an advice page which is powered by wordpress for him to forever update it, and also allow others to post problems, though thinking about it it sounds like he needs a forum ,but then are forums really wirth it if only used by few people?
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