Struggling to enjoy pc gaming anymore.

19 Feb 2019
Hi all, since I was 16ish I've been gaming on pc played original counterstrike when it was just a mod, team fortress classic etc etc....I'm mid 30s now, and love the idea of jumping on in the evening after my son's gone to sleep for some csgo, insirgency, battlefield whatever really, by the time the pc is on and ready I've just lost all interest, I've got a good pc, wife doesn't mind etc but I just lost any will and interest to sit pc and play and I really don't know why?, Just wondering if anybody else gets like this? Sometimes it's just easier to chill out on the Xbox on forza or maybe watch others play on twitch so I don't have to....I dunno, sorry for awful writing in on a tablet.
I'm 30, married with a 4yo.

I sometimes feel in the same boat as you, but recently I have been enjoying Two point hospital and playing BF3 online a fair bit while the wife watching suits or her soaps

But mainly for me, its PUBG with my friend on his laptop, side by side with a beer aiming for that chicken dinner. The social aspect is what keeps me playing, if I had more time I would be more active on the discord server we have, but once a week or every two, a few hours on PUBG is brilliant for me
Funnily enough it was only yesterday I looked to see the last time I played Battlefield, which was December 2017! I'm enjoying flight swimming far more currently, I love the flight planning, the modding/add-ons and it's a chilled way to spend an evening.
If you're no longer enjoying something then stop doing it, I think it really is that simple. Maybe give it another try after a break, or not.
Being an adult sucks, I have to choose between household chores or playing things, chores always win because nobody else will do them!
It goes in cycles for me. Months of nothing that interests me, then months of wanting to play something. Finding time and balancing family life is the hard bit though.
I get this, it does frustrate me quite a bit as I spend more of my time using it to watch series.
I haven't sat and played a game at my PC since I completed the XCOM 2 War of the Chosen DLC

I essentially use it as a powerful console - It's linked to my OLED TV and I sit on the sofa with my Xbox controller in hand.
Perhaps the reason is that just about everything has been done before, nothing is really unique as was possible a few years back. Those of us who played in the 1990's will remember how exiting it was when such things as 'transform & lighting' first appeared on Nvidia Geforce 256 cards, effects such as smoke could be realistically generated.
The golden age of the 90`s is gone, everything is pretty much a remake of something else only the something else is done to make it stand out and add very little to game-play or actually makes it worse. Of course their are a few exceptions to the rule but this little hidden gems are few and far between these days.

The only thing that has kept me interested really has been PUBG and that is mainly down to all the ********* on the discord channel :), Grimdawn mainly down to avoiding all the ********* on the discord channel :) and Elite dangerous mainly down to thinking its awesome, spending, a hr setting up the keybinds, play for 20mins only to realise space is very very very dull.

Tempted buy a VIVE and buy that light-sabre game thing but been holding off due it not really being good enough for my resolution snobbery (that i will be probably be one that gets sick from using it)
I used to feel like that a lot, I would spend a few days downloading the best mods for games, following the guides to the dot to get it in the best spec for the best experience and after all that not playing the game much after 10 or so hours. Then in late 2015/early 2016 my graphics card broke and I did not replace it until last month. Now after all that time I am much more reenergised and excited for it all and am already 37 hours into my first game with a multitude of great options for my next.

As a sidenote I can't believe that bannerlord is still not out, lol, but that is another thing altogether.
Hi all, since I was 16ish I've been gaming on pc played original counterstrike when it was just a mod, team fortress classic etc etc....I'm mid 30s now, and love the idea of jumping on in the evening after my son's gone to sleep for some csgo, insirgency, battlefield whatever really, by the time the pc is on and ready I've just lost all interest, I've got a good pc, wife doesn't mind etc but I just lost any will and interest to sit pc and play and I really don't know why?, Just wondering if anybody else gets like this? Sometimes it's just easier to chill out on the Xbox on forza or maybe watch others play on twitch so I don't have to....I dunno, sorry for awful writing in on a tablet.

Start playing different games, like Grand strategy ones made by PDX. The "mainstream" games are boring these days as all play and feel the same, there is no variation. Try something different like CK2 (there is a Demo), or world of tanks or world of warships.
I get this sometimes. 32, married, 2 young kids. In the evening by the time they're fed, washed & asleep its 7:30-8:00, by which point I don't feel like doing much more than collapsing on the sofa, especially as I'm up at 5am, so no mammoth gaming sessions can take place in an evening, its usually a quick hour here and there. Then of course the wife wants to spend time with me.
I have had the same. But then occasionally a game will come along that has me hooked. Recently played subnautica after months of non gaming or the occasional CS go game and it had me hooked. Some of the previous Assassins creed games have had similar effect. Definitely want to go back to single player games with a decent story but instead of the many that I used to playthrough, I now just look for one every few months. Been wanting to play Origins and Odyssey so will pick one of them when they are cheaper.
Just the games i reckon. Im 31, and time isnt as easy to come by like it used to be. But when a game comes out that takes my interest, for example apex legends at the moment.. my passion for gaming comes back and i make sure i get playtime.

So i think anyone who has a passion for games there whole life will always have that, its just it comes and goes depending on whats out there! Also i reckon as you get older you gravitate more towards "chilling" when gaming and for a lot of people that means consoles i guess.
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