Struggling to sell :(

Wow, thank you all for the really informative replies! As you can all guess, I have little to no skill in putting up adverts, completley missed that part for the rear tyre.

Will sort that out. It has done 2500 miles, still a fair bit of tread left in it. But do you think I should replace it?

I will try get some decent pictures this evening then.

Sadly, my sister has moved back in and the carport is rammed with **** for babies ect ect, so not so pretty.

I will try PH and AT tonight as well.

Thanks again guys! Great feedback!

EDIT: tried to place your advice and sort out the advert.


I will just copy and paste the description into other advert places once I get decent pictures.
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Needs to be changed to:

as your description is a little messy & any how, also be 100% sure that there are no signs of rust, scuffs or scratches, go over it with a fine tooth comb, other wise you run the risk of giving the owner a get out of jail free card if he decides it's not what he wanted after all.

Re the tire, personally i wouldn't bother changing it as there's plenty of tread left, fitting a new tire won't swing the sale one way or the other.

I have done, and also my mate has done a very detailed once over to make sure there is nothing blindingly obvious.

Maybe it's worth simply putting the following:

Never used in wet or wintry conditions whilst in my ownership, Cosmetically it is in excellant condition, the framework etc underneath the fairing has been thoroughly treated with ACF 50.

Just incase they see a tiny steel bolt head with a tiny bit of rust and as you say, use it as a get out of jail free card.

Agreed, nicely written now... and with some great pictures (road side, green grass etc) with it, it'll get more attention. In a picture I want to see the bike/car in a nice surrounding, not in someone's back garden with a possible link to some hi def pictures as well... works for me.

Sadly, I live in a 'poor' area, old council houses (privately owned now), don't have access to a lovely gravel drive.

If people are going to judge on the quality of the surrounding (as in, my back garden), then so be it. There choice, not mine haha.

Personally, I am looking at the bike. Not the surroundings. The surroundings are not going to get better unless I drive to the Windsor castle.
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Got another offer on ebay last night, £6,800 lol.

I countered with £7,400, which is VERY low in my eyes, but seems to be the ballpark for a high mileage 1098S.

A mint 1098 (standard) will go for £6,800...
Well, it's going next weekend! £7,400 in the end, the mileage REALLY killed the value :( Sucks.

But oh well. What a bike to have owned!
Nothing, I have not been without a bike for the last 4 years. Time to take a break me thinks.

Was going for a Multi, but meh, then I was going to get a green laner dirt bike for fun, but meh.

Time for a car I think... Might pick up a dead cheap low rider, like a Enfield or something similar as a project. But yea, house is now my main priority :(
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