Stuck in HL EP1 :(

20 Oct 2003
lo all I am up to the reactor part think i got all the stablisers online but cant figure out what to do next when i am standing on the reactor top (on the spinning thing) i can get through the two doors but one is where i come from and the other has a lift but it keeps going up when i go near it :(

Any idea how to get past this part?


Mike :)
If you where I think you are you jump off a platform on to the top of the containment field? (ladder type thing)

There is another platform just right of the one you jumped off so you'll need to take care of the bad guys/manhacks and then jump off the platform onto the correct ledge - can't really think any better way of describing it - it's about 300 -330 degree's round the platform...
You have to suck an energy ball out of the main reactor room and use it to powerup some thingy in the side room.

OR, if it's a later bit:

You have to remove/replace energy balls from the 3 thingies so that the mini lift will work.
Are you at the top of the reactor?, where the big ball thing is?. If so you need to get very close to the ball and then when it deflates for a few seconds peg it past to the platform the the left.

Ah ha didnt have the last stabliser thing done (the one that jams) now i have done that the rotating things on the core have gone around the reactor ball and now i am stuck with nowhere to go lol
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