Stuck on PC problem

2 May 2004
My Dad's PC has been running fine for the past 5 years apart from the fact he has never reinstalled Windows due to the computer being such a critical piece of hardware for his business.

Anyway, he decided to dust it out (this is the first time it's been turned off in a while) and the plan was to reinstall XP tomorrow.

We got all his wires cleaned up and plugged the PC back in and turned it on.

Now there's no output on the screen and it's giving a 'pop' sound every few seconds (sounds a bit like the Windows pop sound when a balloon popup opens, it's not from the speakers). The same thing happens when the screen is tested on another computer.

So the first thing we try is the screen. I tried the screen on my brothers PC, it doesn't work. I then tried a known working screen on my Dad's PC and it doesn't work... weird as it was all working about an hour ago.

Stuck a known working graphic card in, tested again. Same problem, no output.

The weird thing is the PC boots up, I can log in and the Windows start up sound plays, all with no screen output. No screen will work with the computer.

What I don't get is why it's booting if the graphic card, or motherboard is broken?

Little conclusion :p:
  • No screen output
  • Graphic card doesn't seem to be the problem as a known working one gives the same problem
  • Screen doesn't work on another PC
  • A known working screen doesn't work on the PC
  • PC boots up 100%

Any ideas?

Could something have taken both the motherboard and screen out at the same time?
sounds like maybe the graphics card slot is damaged (is it pcie or agp?), not sure why the monitor doesnt work on another working machine. If you can, find someone with an old pci graphics card and see if that works in the system, this may at least confirm if the pcie/agp slot is the culprit.
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