Hello all
newish to this stuff but I have been creating a website for our MK escort club
www.tech.rs2000.me.uk or redir -= www.rsmk11escortclub.co.uk (slow)
anyway the point
if you look at the site I cannot get the banner to site untop of the buttons its always got a gap between the two, I'm stumped if someone can tell me how please !!! its driving me nuts
and remember I have very limited knowleadge with this !!!!! I'm creating it on dreamweaver MX
newish to this stuff but I have been creating a website for our MK escort club
www.tech.rs2000.me.uk or redir -= www.rsmk11escortclub.co.uk (slow)
anyway the point
if you look at the site I cannot get the banner to site untop of the buttons its always got a gap between the two, I'm stumped if someone can tell me how please !!! its driving me nuts
and remember I have very limited knowleadge with this !!!!! I'm creating it on dreamweaver MX